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Teaching Artist

ACTING is an art and art, like anything else, gets better with practice.


So, practice working on scripts! Get in the habit of creating a character, exploring the text, and diving into the circumstances of a story.


In the words of Steve Martin, "Get so good that they can't ignore you."


It's always a privilege and a joy to share what I've learne as an actor - a journey that started at the Yale School of Drama.

Over time, the building blocks remain the same.

It's always about connectiongenuine connection to the story, the other actors and, most importantly, yourself.


ART: "The skill in doing anything as the result of knowledge and practice."

        - Oxford English Dictionary

*Currently available for Acting Coaching on Zoom!

Work the text, develop your character and bring out the best in you. Always in a safe & fun environment.

*EMAIL for more information.

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